CBD Trends 2021

CBD Trends 2021

CBD already proved its domination through 2020, it has become an important “ingredient”  in day to day living and FDA softened its measures at the very end of 2020, so what can we expect in 2021?

Judging by its increase in popularity, it is safe to assume that the most significant trend in the CBD market is that its sales will increase. The industry has already experienced a boom in the last few years, with numbers rising every year. If you consider the New Frontier Data estimates, the CBD market will increase from $390 million in 2018 to $1.3 billion in 2022. Another research by BDS Analytics and Arcview shows that CBD sales will reach more than $20 billion in 2024. While the numbers may be shocking, it is entirely possible to take into account the unlimited potential offered by the industry.

If we can judge by the numbers we can easily say that CBD is becoming the cornerstone of our lives and astonishing results have been proved over the time in various industries such as: skincare / anti-aging, hair care, general health, it even proved in some medical studies as a great prevention in firming our immune system in this COVID-19  pandemic.

Most scientists and professionals predict that the CBD beverage market will explode in 2021. Pet products are also an incredibly quickly segment of the CBD line of products.

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